Episode 5

Building a Win-Win Relationship With Your Board

A good CMO/Board relationship entails both giving and getting. Elana Anderson talks about putting Board members at the center of marketing initiatives by making bold asks of the Board to add value to customers and prospects. She also talks about the anatomy of a successful CMO/Board interview.

Elana Anderson has been the CMO for Veracode, Vidyo, and Salesforce Commerce Cloud. She reflects on her experiences interacting with Boards at public versus private companies. 

Learn about:

  • How to move from broadcasting to your board to incorporating them into your marketing initiatives
  • How Board members can add value to you through special executive events and advisory sessions 
  • How you can discuss brand initiatives with the Board in an interactive and impactful way… even if the topic is short on numbers
  • How to interview successfully with the Board for a CMO role
  • When and how to prepare for serving on a Board yourself… and how to find your 'hook'

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The Get is here to drive smart decisions around recruiting and leadership in B2B SaaS marketing. We explore the trends, tribulations, and triumphs of today’s top marketing leaders in B2B SaaS.

This season’s theme is the CMO and Board Relationship in B2B SaaS. 

The Get’s host is Erica Seidel, who runs The Connective Good, an executive search practice with a hyper-focus on recruiting CMOs and VPs of Marketing, especially in B2B SaaS. 

If you are looking to hire a CMO or VP of Marketing of the ‘make money’ variety - rather than the ‘make it pretty’ variety, contact Erica at erica@theconnectivegood.com. You can also follow Erica on LinkedIn or sign up for her newsletter at TheConnectiveGood.com

The Get is produced by Evo Terra and Simpler Media Productions.

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Erica Seidel:

Hello, and welcome to The Get.

Erica Seidel:

I'm your host, Erica Seidel.

Erica Seidel:

This season we examine the relationship between CMOs and Boards.

Erica Seidel:

How can that relationship go from fraught to functional,

Erica Seidel:

and maybe even to fantastic?

Erica Seidel:

Today we hear from Elana Anderson.

Erica Seidel:

She and I overlapped at Forrester way back in the day, and since then, she has had

Erica Seidel:

an awesome career as a marketing leader - from Forrester to IBM, and then Unica.

Erica Seidel:

Then she was CMO at Demandware, which became Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

Erica Seidel:

After that, she was Chief Marketing and Customer Officer at Vidyo, the video

Erica Seidel:

tech company, and then CMO at Veracode.

Erica Seidel:

You'll hear from her on a bunch of interesting topics.

Erica Seidel:

How to leverage Board members for your marketing initiatives - those independent

Erica Seidel:

Board members with big names and impressive resumes can be marketing gold.

Erica Seidel:

How to prepare for an interview with a Board member, and how

Erica Seidel:

to set yourself up for joining Boards yourself and when to start.

Erica Seidel:

Here we go.

Erica Seidel:

Elana, thank you so much, and welcome to the show.

Elana Anderson:

Thanks Erica.

Elana Anderson:

I'm really excited to be with you here today.

Erica Seidel:

Yeah, it's fun to chat after all these years post Forrester.

Elana Anderson:


Erica Seidel:

I would love to just get right into a really nitty gritty, tough

Erica Seidel:

question for you, which is, you know, you've worked in a lot of settings.

Erica Seidel:

You've led a lot of different marketing teams of different, you know, sizes.

Erica Seidel:

Can you share a hard-won lesson you have had from interacting with a

Erica Seidel:

Board, like something that really sticks out in your experience?

Elana Anderson:

I have to say, I'm always happier when I'm talking

Elana Anderson:

to the Board about numbers.

Elana Anderson:

You know, topics like pipeline, deal flow, you know, numbers are

Elana Anderson:

much more in the Board's lane and I know I can go toe-to-toe on topics

Elana Anderson:

like MQLs and SQLs and pipeline conversion and bookings conversion.

Elana Anderson:

So, but maybe not a hard-won lesson there.

Elana Anderson:

So I think one, one thing that would always make me cringe was when my

Elana Anderson:

CEO would ask me to do like a special update for the Board on brand.

Elana Anderson:

Those would invariably turn out to be one of those sessions where investor

Elana Anderson:

members of the Board might step out of the room immediately or, you

Elana Anderson:

know, they'd dive into their phones or, you know, that sort of thing.

Elana Anderson:

But the last time I had to do one of those sessions, I swore I was going to

Elana Anderson:

figure out how to keep them engaged.

Elana Anderson:

So after all they had, they had actually funded the, the

Elana Anderson:

Board, the, the brand refresh.

Elana Anderson:

So they had, they put a lot of money into it, so I figured I owed them a session.

Elana Anderson:

So I made it interactive.

Elana Anderson:

We were, we were doing this major refresh and we, I started

Elana Anderson:

out with a little brand quiz.

Elana Anderson:

So throwing out little tiny brand elements about very well-known brands that they

Elana Anderson:

would, they would recognize and know and had them identify those brands.

Elana Anderson:

And then I, I took those elements and compared and contrasted our old

Elana Anderson:

versus new to illustrate some of the opportunities that we had, and

Elana Anderson:

then, and then how the new brand was addressing those opportunities.

Elana Anderson:

Now, so this engaged them.

Elana Anderson:

It got them talking.

Elana Anderson:

It turned some lights on.

Elana Anderson:

I got them to know me and my quirky personality a bit more.

Elana Anderson:

And it was great because that evening at the Board dinner,

Elana Anderson:

several of them came up to me.

Elana Anderson:

We talked a lot more.

Elana Anderson:

I actually sat next to our chairman that night at dinner, and I,

Elana Anderson:

I felt that it really opened a door for me, um, with that group.

Elana Anderson:

So I, you know, I, I suppose in retrospect, it's a bit of a dull lesson,

Elana Anderson:

you know, for a market, for a marketer, but, you know, the, the lesson is figure

Elana Anderson:

out how to engage your audience, right?

Erica Seidel:


Elana Anderson:

Obviously Marketing 101, you know, you know that numbers

Elana Anderson:

are gonna engage the Board, but if you have a topic that's short on numbers,

Elana Anderson:

like a, a rebrand topic, how do you make that interesting and impactful?

Elana Anderson:

I chose to make it interactive, right, and, and use brands that I knew they

Elana Anderson:

had opinions on, or would be aware of to make a case for why we had to do

Elana Anderson:

something, you know, about our own brand.

Erica Seidel:

How exactly did you make it interactive and what was the aha

Erica Seidel:

that they had as you worked with them?

Elana Anderson:

Well, so I ki- kind of made it fun, right?

Elana Anderson:

I mean, and recognize this isn't like an hour session, this is probably

Elana Anderson:

right, 20 minutes, you know, 25 minutes at, at most that you have

Elana Anderson:

to, you know, have this discussion.

Elana Anderson:

So it has to be impactful and quick.

Elana Anderson:

And so I put up little brand elements.

Elana Anderson:

So a color or part of a tagline about a particular brand and had

Elana Anderson:

them, well, who is this brand?

Elana Anderson:

And when you can immediately identify who that brand is, that tells you something.

Elana Anderson:

And, and then, and if I show you, well, who's this brand?

Elana Anderson:

And you have no idea who that is and it's, and it's us, um, you know, that,

Elana Anderson:

that starts to unveil, well, we have some opportunity or some work to do.

Erica Seidel:

I see.

Elana Anderson:

And then if you can compare and contrast, well,

Elana Anderson:

here's how we're doing it today, whether it's a color change.

Elana Anderson:

I mean, very often what is less interesting to a, a Board member than,

Elana Anderson:

hey, we're changing our colors from, you know, from teal to, you know, purple.

Elana Anderson:

But sometimes that does make a difference.

Elana Anderson:

And so to make it impactful, you get to the opportunity and the whys behind that.

Erica Seidel:


Erica Seidel:


Erica Seidel:

That's awesome.

Elana Anderson:

You know, if I'm gonna tell you my towering strengths

Elana Anderson:

also, my towering strengths are not about the visual and the

Elana Anderson:

color and that sort of thing.

Elana Anderson:

So probably the most fearful I would ever be is having to get in front of a Board

Elana Anderson:

and talk to, you know, here's, here's why we're making visual brand changes.

Erica Seidel:


Erica Seidel:


Elana Anderson:

So that was pro- probably the hardest Board

Elana Anderson:

session I've ever had to do.

Erica Seidel:

You mentioned to me previously that you had success

Erica Seidel:

getting value from the Board for your marketing initiatives.

Erica Seidel:

So kind of incorporating them into your marketing initiatives.

Erica Seidel:

So as opposed to just broadcasting out, kind of really integrating

Erica Seidel:

Board stuff into your marketing.

Erica Seidel:

Can you talk about that and share a few examples of that?

Elana Anderson:

I've had the good fortune, um, and most people have this, you know,

Elana Anderson:

you have independent Board members on your Board who are generally, uh, they're there

Elana Anderson:

for a reason and they're, it's generally they're experts in your market segment,

Elana Anderson:

or they have, they have some particular expertise and why they're on the Board.

Elana Anderson:

And so I've had great success engaging those individuals

Elana Anderson:

in my marketing activities.

Elana Anderson:

And sometimes, you know, I think marketing execs are reluctant to go and make the

Elana Anderson:

ask, and I've found that Board members are happy to participate and they've

Elana Anderson:

been actually flattered to be asked.

Elana Anderson:

At Demandware, we had, uh, a Board member by the name of Len Schlesinger.

Elana Anderson:

Len is a Harvard Business School professor.

Elana Anderson:

He was formerly the COO of Limited brands, which in his day

Elana Anderson:

owned, um, Victoria's Secret.

Elana Anderson:

We had a customer conference that was a very successful event, but one

Elana Anderson:

of the things that we were trying to do was get more attendance from

Elana Anderson:

an exec level audience, the true business buyer, the business sponsor.

Elana Anderson:

So I asked Len to if he would co-chair or be the guest chair of an

Elana Anderson:

invite-only executive track, and then host a, a half-day workshop for me.

Elana Anderson:

And maybe that was a little gutsy, but he was thrilled, and

Elana Anderson:

the only, only hesitation he had was, you know, the calendar.

Elana Anderson:

So thankfully I asked very early.

Elana Anderson:

He was available that day and he was more than happy to participate.

Elana Anderson:

So, we were then marketing an executive track with a well-known business professor

Elana Anderson:

to retail, you know, commerce executives.

Elana Anderson:

It sold out easily.

Elana Anderson:

We had our ideal profile customer at this event.

Elana Anderson:

They also helped the registration of the overall general event because they

Elana Anderson:

brought more team members to the event.

Elana Anderson:

And the actual event was incredible.

Elana Anderson:

I mean, we had Harvard Business School half-day workshop at the event.

Elana Anderson:

It was, it was incredible.

Elana Anderson:

I think you just need to make the ask.

Elana Anderson:

And then, you know, for you as a marketer, particularly if you have,

Elana Anderson:

you know, if you've been challenged to get in front of the Board, which I

Elana Anderson:

think, you know, marketers may sometimes not feel that they have their airtime

Elana Anderson:

with the Board, you know, it's a great way to establish communication.

Erica Seidel:


Erica Seidel:


Erica Seidel:

It's a great way to connect with them outside of a Board meeting and-

Elana Anderson:


Erica Seidel:

And have them see you in action in another way.

Elana Anderson:


Erica Seidel:

Why do you think other CMOs don't think about doing this

Erica Seidel:

and don't ask their Board members?

Erica Seidel:

Like I've, I've interviewed a bunch of people for this, and you're the first

Erica Seidel:

one who has mentioned this as an angle.

Elana Anderson:

I think there's an intimidation factor.

Elana Anderson:

I think, I think that, you know, in some cases people, CMOs may not feel

Elana Anderson:

like they have the license to do it.

Elana Anderson:

Um, they may not feel that they have the access.

Elana Anderson:

Maybe the CEO's, you know, a gatekeeper.

Elana Anderson:

So I'd say ask, you know, it's a, uh, I have not, never had a no for an answer.

Elana Anderson:

You know, maybe I've had, well, I'm not available that day, but, uh, but

Elana Anderson:

more often than not, Board members have been thrilled to, to participate.

Erica Seidel:

How else have they participated?

Erica Seidel:

Like, even in small ways, how else have you bought them into your, you know, kind

Erica Seidel:

of day to day as a, as a marketing leader?

Elana Anderson:

Yeah, so in my last company I had, uh, one of our Board

Elana Anderson:

members was really expert sort of on the partner ecosystem, you know, and he was

Elana Anderson:

more than happy to sit down with me and the partner team, you know, engage in

Elana Anderson:

a detailed dialogue in that, you know.

Elana Anderson:

More than happy to, um, cons, you know, be consultative with us in terms

Elana Anderson:

of who, how we were prioritizing the relationships that we were building.

Erica Seidel:

Did you ever tap a Board member to interview somebody?

Erica Seidel:

Like say you were interviewing for a partner, marketing, I don't know, VP

Erica Seidel:

on your team, would you have tapped the Board member to interview that person?

Elana Anderson:

I haven't done that.

Elana Anderson:

That's a good idea.

Elana Anderson:

I have gotten referrals from Board members, certainly.

Elana Anderson:

And also, um, now that you mentioned it, I've, you know, again, both ways,

Elana Anderson:

if I've had a question, um, I've been in p-backed companies and another company

Elana Anderson:

in the portfolio had already gone through something that we were going through, or

Elana Anderson:

about to go through, and I was introduced to the CMO, you know, from that company

Elana Anderson:

and had some great dialogue and lessons learned from, from that individual.

Elana Anderson:

And I've had the same, you know, same vice versa.

Elana Anderson:

You know, I've had other CMOs from the portfolio engage with me, you know, and,

Elana Anderson:

and, uh, learn from my, you know, from, from the things that I've been through.

Erica Seidel:


Elana Anderson:

So it's a great, you know, it's a great, uh, the

Elana Anderson:

Board can be a great networking, you know, venue, you know, way to meet

Elana Anderson:

other people as well, avenue, yeah.

Erica Seidel:

When, when you've seen marketers switch from one size company

Erica Seidel:

to the next, and when you yourself, has- have made those switches, how

Erica Seidel:

do you need to adapt your approach with working with the Board?

Elana Anderson:

Well, so public Boards have a bit more formality.

Elana Anderson:

You know, there's a formal structure.

Elana Anderson:

They've got their audit committee, the governance committee, the comp committee.

Elana Anderson:

You know, and that's a, that's a, a structure-

Erica Seidel:


Elana Anderson:

that they have to follow.

Elana Anderson:

But, you know, honestly, I've found that in larger companies, so companies that,

Elana Anderson:

you know, may be PE-backed, but they're of a size that could be public, or maybe

Elana Anderson:

they're, you know, they're looking to go public and in the not-too-distant future,

Elana Anderson:

they tend to behave like public companies.

Elana Anderson:

And I've had that conversation at the exec team level.

Elana Anderson:

Um, particularly if you're looking to go public, you wanna be

Elana Anderson:

emulating those behaviors anyway.

Erica Seidel:


Elana Anderson:

You know, so you might have even similar

Elana Anderson:

committees on the Board and, uh, very similar, you know, structured

Elana Anderson:

reporting process with the Board.

Elana Anderson:

You know, similar process for how you're, you know, recording the minutes, you know,

Elana Anderson:

for the Board and all of those things.

Elana Anderson:

So, honestly, you know, if I compare of similar size public and private

Elana Anderson:

companies, they operated very similarly, um, from a Board perspective.

Elana Anderson:

Now there was all this reporting that we had to do as a public company.

Elana Anderson:

That's not really the Board stuff, but there's all kinds of stuff you still

Elana Anderson:

ha- you have to do as a marketing, you know, as a CMO that you don't

Elana Anderson:

have to do in a private company.

Elana Anderson:

But, uh, that's, you know, not the Board stuff.

Elana Anderson:

You know, so the differences, I would say, you know, in terms of

Elana Anderson:

interaction are, you know, I've, I've certainly seen smaller VC-backed

Elana Anderson:

companies that are much more casual.

Elana Anderson:

You know, I, I work now, I'm doing a lot of advisory work with smaller companies,

Elana Anderson:

you know, and you may just have a couple of investors on the Board and the CEO and

Elana Anderson:

the founder or something like that, and they may be more, they tend towards, some

Elana Anderson:

are informal, some are very informal.

Elana Anderson:

You know, it depends how many investors there are.

Elana Anderson:

Typically, the more in, you know, if there are multiple investors, maybe they

Elana Anderson:

have a more formal structure because you're, you know, dealing with, you

Elana Anderson:

know, multiple, you know, you're dealing across multiple investor companies.

Elana Anderson:

Um, so they may have a more formalized structure if it's very closely held,

Elana Anderson:

one investor, you know, and a founder.

Elana Anderson:

It can be very loosey-goosey.

Elana Anderson:

So I, you know, I think it really depends on, on those factors.

Elana Anderson:

Um, but when they're very large, I, they tend to be more similar than not.

Erica Seidel:

If a CMO is at a company where the Board is one of these

Erica Seidel:

loosey-goosey, you know, VC, you know, small VC, you know, situation, how

Erica Seidel:

much would you recommend that they impose more formality and structure,

Erica Seidel:

even if they're not asked for it?

Elana Anderson:

Yeah, that's a great question.

Elana Anderson:

I was at a company that wasn't that small actually, but it was, you know,

Elana Anderson:

didn't have some of the formal structures that I have seen in other companies.

Elana Anderson:

Um, for example, you know, we didn't have, here are what our corporate

Elana Anderson:

objectives are for the year and here's how we're reporting on those

Elana Anderson:

corporate objectives to the Board, you know, to the company, et cetera.

Elana Anderson:

You know, so, I stepped in, in that case and, you know, worked across the

Elana Anderson:

executive team to say, what are, you know, what are the corporate objectives?

Elana Anderson:

Let's write them down.

Elana Anderson:

Let's, you know, let's report them to the Board.

Elana Anderson:

You know, let's report them to the company.

Elana Anderson:

Let's, you know, define how we're going to measure them.

Elana Anderson:

You know, I, I think if you see a gap like that, there is certainly an

Elana Anderson:

opportunity to step in and fill that gap and, you know, in, in that particular

Elana Anderson:

organization, you know, I do think it, the, the, the chairman in that case

Elana Anderson:

of our Board did recognize, you know, that I was stepping in and doing that.

Elana Anderson:

And, you know, um, he later engaged me in some strategic

Elana Anderson:

initiatives for the company.

Erica Seidel:

Now, is there a difference in terms of CMO interactions with

Erica Seidel:

the Board as a company scales, and can you, can you talk through those?

Erica Seidel:

You know, so, because a lot of, a lot of people are with these scale-ups that are

Erica Seidel:

going from, I don't know, 10 million to 50 million, or 50 million to a 100 million

Erica Seidel:

in ARI, or a 100 million to 500 million.

Erica Seidel:

What have you seen when you're like, not going from one company to the next,

Erica Seidel:

but, but within a company as it scales?

Elana Anderson:

I think my interactions have shifted less given scale

Elana Anderson:

and more given what the strategic priorities are at any given time.

Elana Anderson:

You know, so if the strategic priority, you know, of the, of the business is

Elana Anderson:

about modernizing the technology, it's likely that the Chief Product Officer,

Elana Anderson:

you know, is gonna be spending the time on the hot seat, you know, with the

Elana Anderson:

Board rather than, you know, rather than the Chief Marketing Officer.

Elana Anderson:

Now, if the chief, uh, if, if the strategic priority on the other hand

Elana Anderson:

is, is about growth or fending off the competition, or you know, some other

Elana Anderson:

go-to-market topic, then you know, I know it's much more likely that

Elana Anderson:

I'm gonna be in the hot seat or, you know, I and the, uh, the Chief Revenue

Elana Anderson:

Officer are gonna be in the hot seat.

Elana Anderson:

But I think, I do think, though, that regardless of the scale,

Elana Anderson:

um, of the company, the CMO needs to focus on objectives, on

Elana Anderson:

outcomes, on critical metrics.

Elana Anderson:

You know, some, sometimes marketers are over enamored, you know,

Elana Anderson:

about, what they do rather than the outcomes that they drive.

Elana Anderson:

You know?

Elana Anderson:

And I think particularly with the Board, you know, it's about the destination.

Elana Anderson:

It's not about the journey.

Elana Anderson:

The journey really only matters when there's something that significantly

Elana Anderson:

new, you know, significantly new lessons that you learned along the way.

Elana Anderson:

Whether those lessons were good lessons, lessons that you wanna repeat, you know,

Elana Anderson:

or, or lessons that, you know, you tried something, you know, and it didn't work.

Elana Anderson:

I think they only care about that journey when there's something major

Elana Anderson:

that you learned along the way.

Erica Seidel:

Why is it, do you think, that people get enamored of

Erica Seidel:

the journey and not the destination?

Erica Seidel:

It's very well said, by the way.

Elana Anderson:

Well, you know, I, I think we, um, we do a lot in marketing.

Elana Anderson:

There's a lot of stuff that happens under the covers in marketing.

Elana Anderson:

And, um, at the end of the day, what does the Board really care about is,

Elana Anderson:

well, how did that impact sales, right?

Elana Anderson:

You know, and, and there's so much work that goes into it, you know, you wanna

Elana Anderson:

get, you wanna talk about all that work that you did, but, uh, you know, I

Elana Anderson:

think, frankly, we gotta get over that.

Erica Seidel:

[Small chuckle] Yeah, other people on the podcast have talked about

Erica Seidel:

this, uh, that, that a lot of marketers, especially maybe when they're early to

Erica Seidel:

being CMOs, they will want to say, oh, this is how I've been spending my time.

Elana Anderson:


Erica Seidel:

As opposed to this is the output of it, and that's, that's it.

Erica Seidel:

That's enough.

Erica Seidel:


Elana Anderson:


Elana Anderson:


Elana Anderson:


Elana Anderson:

You know, marketing, it's a, um, there's a lot, you know, if you compare to the

Elana Anderson:

other, you know, other functions, there's so many intricate pieces in, in marketing,

Elana Anderson:

but I, I think that, you know, you're in the job as CMO, you know, because

Elana Anderson:

they thought you knew how to do the job.

Elana Anderson:

You know, so nobody needs to know all those, all, all those

Elana Anderson:

little details, you know?

Erica Seidel:


Elana Anderson:

And I think if you know how to net it out and talk

Elana Anderson:

about, you know, again, the, the lessons learned are very interesting

Elana Anderson:

out of the major things that you did that did or didn't, didn't work.

Erica Seidel:


Elana Anderson:

That, that is interesting to a Board, I found, because those

Elana Anderson:

are the things that they're gonna tell their other companies that, you

Elana Anderson:

know, they're on the Boards of, you know, that, that does get interesting.

Elana Anderson:

In addition to the outcomes.

Erica Seidel:

So you've interviewed for a bunch of different CMO roles in the

Erica Seidel:

course of your career, and presumably you've interviewed with Board members.

Erica Seidel:

And I'm wondering, like, how, what, what should a uh, somebody

Erica Seidel:

interviewing with a Board member for a CMO role, what should they expect?

Erica Seidel:

How should they prepare?

Erica Seidel:

Any thoughts there?

Elana Anderson:

I think for every exec role I've had, I've interviewed

Elana Anderson:

with one or more Board members.

Elana Anderson:

You know, honestly I prepare for them just like I prepare for any, any interview.

Elana Anderson:

I try to learn as much about the individual as possible.

Elana Anderson:

I start with their LinkedIn profile.

Elana Anderson:

Uh, some Board members particularly, uh, you know, older ones may

Elana Anderson:

not have a LinkedIn profile, but uh, you know, I researched the

Elana Anderson:

companies that they worked for.

Elana Anderson:

You know, you can usually find a lot on Google or you know, if, you know, if they

Elana Anderson:

be movers and things like that you can find a lot of information about people.

Elana Anderson:

I look for articles.

Elana Anderson:

So I, I try to get a, learn as much as I can about them personally and

Elana Anderson:

how, you know, how they operate and you know, what they know.

Elana Anderson:

You know, and then what I said before about outcomes is, is super important.

Elana Anderson:

I don't expect to talk deep marketing, you know, shop talk

Elana Anderson:

with a, with a Board member.

Elana Anderson:

You know, I've, I've, uh, again, I've yet to find many who are deeply

Elana Anderson:

interested, you know, in the details.

Elana Anderson:

So I tend to focus on talking about strategy, um, strategy, the company,

Elana Anderson:

um, the market, you know, the market trends, um, the competitive

Elana Anderson:

trends, the competitive landscape.

Elana Anderson:

Um, I talk about how I've moved the needle, you know, in, in other

Elana Anderson:

companies, how I've aligned teams.

Elana Anderson:

You know, and when I talk about teams, you know, it's how you've, how I've

Elana Anderson:

aligned, you know, the marketing team, but not just the marketing team.

Elana Anderson:

Because I think what's critical in an executive role is not just, you know,

Elana Anderson:

how you manage your function, but how you work as a business executive, uh,

Elana Anderson:

you know, across the organization, right?

Erica Seidel:

And it's interesting, you're talking about going, like,

Erica Seidel:

talking about how you manage across.

Erica Seidel:

I always, I, I, I think of this, like, framework of different

Erica Seidel:

types of management, right?

Erica Seidel:

So there's managing up, down, you know, like people work for you, inward, across,

Erica Seidel:

like across the organization, and then out, you know, like, like partners or

Erica Seidel:

people like outside of the organization.

Erica Seidel:

And in my experience, I've found that, you know, the best people are strong at

Erica Seidel:

managing as many of those as possible.

Erica Seidel:

And usually people have strengths in some areas and less in others.

Erica Seidel:

And you're right, as a CMO, sometimes people make the

Erica Seidel:

mistake of being too siloed in-

Elana Anderson:


Erica Seidel:

in how they describe their experience.

Erica Seidel:

And so I like that, that aspect of you as like the chief, kind of, diplomacy

Erica Seidel:

officer or something like, you know, the chief shuttle diplomat within the company.

Elana Anderson:


Elana Anderson:

I think really reinforcing that point of, you know, don't just, particularly

Elana Anderson:

with a Board member, don't just go sort of down the marketing silo.

Elana Anderson:

Make sure you're focusing across, you know, across and out.

Elana Anderson:


Erica Seidel:


Erica Seidel:

Now an interview is a two-way street, and you're right that the, the

Erica Seidel:

strongest interviews are ones where you don't get intimidated and you're

Erica Seidel:

having a peer-to-peer dialogue.

Erica Seidel:

So a CMO is also looking for a company to join and wanting to make sure that that's

Erica Seidel:

gonna be a place where they can flourish.

Erica Seidel:

So how should they interview a Board?

Erica Seidel:

Like what clues should they look for to know that a Board would be-

Erica Seidel:

a Board member or, or, you know, a Board would be a, a, you know, a

Erica Seidel:

good one to kind of sign up with?

Elana Anderson:

Yeah, and I'm a, I'm also, uh, interviewing the Board

Elana Anderson:

member, so to speak, to, you know, get a better sense of the company and the

Elana Anderson:

culture and the opportunity, how much they believe in the company as well.

Elana Anderson:

I always love to find out what they know about the market, the

Elana Anderson:

competition, what they think the unique advantage of the company is.

Elana Anderson:

And I think if they're able to answer those questions, that gives the incoming,

Elana Anderson:

you know, CMO, uh, a sense of how strong the company's story resonates, right?

Elana Anderson:

If, if you don't hear a crisp story around the unique advantage of the

Elana Anderson:

company, then you, I've got some work to do, you know, on the messaging.

Elana Anderson:

I also ask how I, I should expect to work with them.

Elana Anderson:

You know, and if they have an interesting background, I go, I start right there

Elana Anderson:

and ask about if they're willing to support those marketing activities.

Elana Anderson:

So, you know, start early on that count.

Erica Seidel:

That's great.

Erica Seidel:

Now let me drill into something you said.

Erica Seidel:

You wanna see how much they believe in the company.

Erica Seidel:

How do you get at that?

Elana Anderson:

Well, I think that's, that's where, you know, I'm

Elana Anderson:

asking about their understanding of the market and the unique

Elana Anderson:

advantage, you know, of the company.

Elana Anderson:

So why, why is this company going to win?

Elana Anderson:

What makes them unique?

Erica Seidel:


Elana Anderson:

What is the outlook for the company?

Elana Anderson:

You know, why, why is this company gonna win over competitor X, Y, Z?

Elana Anderson:

If competitor X, Y, Z might be a leader, and you know, the company's not a le-

Elana Anderson:

not a leader, you know, it gives, gi- gives me a sense of a, how much they

Elana Anderson:

believe and also how strong the messaging for the company, for the business is.

Erica Seidel:


Erica Seidel:

And it also shows that you've done your homework on the other

Erica Seidel:

competitors and you're, you're kind of coming up with a bit of a, like

Erica Seidel:

a pre-baked perspective, right?

Erica Seidel:

You're asking for their perspective, but it seems like you've done enough of

Erica Seidel:

your homework to, to have your own, to start to have your own you on things.

Elana Anderson:

The company, the market, the competitive.

Elana Anderson:


Erica Seidel:


Erica Seidel:

Right, right, right.

Erica Seidel:


Erica Seidel:

Now, I know some people, when they prepare for a company- for, for an

Erica Seidel:

interview, they do like a kind of cheat sheet, you know, kind of thing.

Erica Seidel:

I'm remembering from business school, we all had these cheat sheets on

Erica Seidel:

like, you know, five examples of, uh, you know, I don't know, increasing

Erica Seidel:

revenue and, you know, three examples of competitive differentiation.

Erica Seidel:

Like, would that be useful, do you think for somebody interviewing, for,

Erica Seidel:

um, interviewing with a Board member?

Elana Anderson:

It would.

Elana Anderson:

Have I done it?

Elana Anderson:

No, it's a great, it's a good advice.

Elana Anderson:

Um, I, I, well, I, you know, that's, I do have my sort of little cheat sheets

Elana Anderson:

of things that I've, I've, uh, how I've increased value at company A, company

Elana Anderson:

B, company C, that sort of thing.

Elana Anderson:

I do think it's a great, I, uh, a good idea.

Elana Anderson:

I tend to be probably less structured, I suppose, in, in terms of how I

Elana Anderson:

approach an interview like that.

Elana Anderson:

You know, I do a lot of reading, but I don't, I don't come with a set of

Elana Anderson:

notes, but, uh, but I do, you know, particularly if you're on video, which a

Elana Anderson:

lot of the, uh, a lot of the interviews with Board members tend to be, you know,

Elana Anderson:

it's a good, it's a good thing to have.

Erica Seidel:


Erica Seidel:

And it, but it's interesting cuz you can have your notes, it's good to

Erica Seidel:

have the notes, right, and whether you're in person or on video.

Erica Seidel:

But you don't wanna seem like you're reliant on your notes.

Elana Anderson:


Elana Anderson:


Erica Seidel:

You need to be able to have that.

Erica Seidel:

And it's the same for interviewing for a CMO job when you're interviewing the CEO.

Elana Anderson:


Elana Anderson:

Having a, being natural, having a se- seamless dialogue.

Elana Anderson:

You know, not feeling nervous, you know, not, not appearing nervous.

Elana Anderson:


Elana Anderson:

You know, you wanna be natural, you want it to flow, you know, certainly the larger

Elana Anderson:

the company, if it's a public company, you know, if it's a public company, you're

Elana Anderson:

likely, you know, gonna be a face of the business, you know, in many situations.

Elana Anderson:

And, you know, for a CMO to be calm, cool, and collected, and,

Elana Anderson:

you know, uh, in, in that kind of situation is incredibly important.

Erica Seidel:

So you are now, um, in discussions with companies about Board

Erica Seidel:

roles for yourself after having all these awesome CMO roles in different

Erica Seidel:

companies and different experiences.

Erica Seidel:

So for marketers who anticipate being in your shoes one day, you know, what

Erica Seidel:

should they expect and, and what are you learning about, you know, joining a Board?

Elana Anderson:

Well, so you should expect it to be a process.

Elana Anderson:

It's gonna take a lot of time.

Elana Anderson:

It's gonna take a lot of networking and a lot of time.

Elana Anderson:

Unless you have an incredible stroke of luck, um, you're likely gonna start

Elana Anderson:

with smaller companies, uh, private companies, you know, and then you'll

Elana Anderson:

work your way towards larger private companies, public companies, um, someday.

Elana Anderson:

You know, if, if you're, uh, you should consider, if you haven't already, you

Elana Anderson:

should join a, consider joining an advisory Board now and add some of

Elana Anderson:

that or, or more than one, add some of that experience to your profile.

Elana Anderson:

You know, I also, you should start sooner than later.

Elana Anderson:

If your growth path is towards Board work, then you should engage your

Elana Anderson:

boss and your current Board to help you secure your first Board role now.

Elana Anderson:

And in some companies, you know, that might be controversial.

Elana Anderson:

Um, I was in a session a couple weeks ago, um, with Chris

Elana Anderson:

Comparato, who's the CEO of Toast.

Elana Anderson:

And you know, he was saying that, you know, several years ago, he, he didn't

Elana Anderson:

want his execs to be on Boards, and now he's completely changed his mind,

Elana Anderson:

um, because it's such great experience.

Elana Anderson:

And, you know, I think back to companies that, you know, I've been at and, you

Elana Anderson:

know, you do this annual survey every, every year and the individuals in the

Elana Anderson:

company that tend to be least satisfied with their growth, um, their growth and

Elana Anderson:

development are senior execs, because, you know, and I know I felt this way to some

Elana Anderson:

extent too, like what's my growth plan?

Elana Anderson:

I don't have one, you know?

Elana Anderson:

I'm not gonna get promoted, you know, you know, I can take on more things in

Elana Anderson:

special projects and always did that.

Elana Anderson:

But you know, so I think for a lot of people in the executive suite, that

Elana Anderson:

Board work is a great growth plan.

Elana Anderson:

And so sitting down and working with your boss and talking about, well,

Elana Anderson:

how do you, you know, how can you work together to secure that first Board role.

Elana Anderson:

I wish I had been more aggressive about doing that myself.

Elana Anderson:

I wish I had carved out more time to do that.

Elana Anderson:

I didn't feel like I had the time, you know?

Elana Anderson:

I regret that, regret that now, so I can't recommend that highly enough.

Elana Anderson:

And there are also some great preparatory, um, programs out there, you know, to help,

Elana Anderson:

particularly for DEI candidates, you know.

Elana Anderson:

Um, if you're in Massachusetts, in the Boston area, Mass TLC has this great

Elana Anderson:

program called the Board Ready Bootcamp.

Elana Anderson:

I've sent folks who worked for me to it in the past, worked for me to it in the past.

Elana Anderson:

Um, they run it twice a year.

Elana Anderson:

Deloitte has a regional program that they run once a year.

Elana Anderson:

You know, there's tons of lists and that sort of thing.

Elana Anderson:

There's the Athena Alliance.

Elana Anderson:

There's like, there's so many programs that, um, you know,

Elana Anderson:

that are out there that, you know, to help you sort of prepare

Elana Anderson:

yourself, um, for, for that future.

Erica Seidel:

That's great.

Erica Seidel:

And is branding yourself for Board any different than

Erica Seidel:

branding yourself for a CMO role?

Elana Anderson:

Well, you know, I think I, you know, I'm a firm believer in your

Elana Anderson:

brand as your, you know, your, your brand.

Elana Anderson:

Be authentic, be, you know, be yourself, be, you know, all those things.

Elana Anderson:

But I do think it's very important when you're positioning yourself, you know,

Elana Anderson:

I'll use that term instead of brand, when you're positioning yourself for Board

Elana Anderson:

work, you know, you're shifting from, you know, as the CMO, you owned it, right?

Elana Anderson:

You delivered it, you execute it.

Elana Anderson:

You know, the big shift here to, to Board is, you know,

Elana Anderson:

you're now in an advisory seat.

Elana Anderson:

You know, you're now leveraging all that experience you have to advise.

Elana Anderson:

You don't own it.

Elana Anderson:

You can't tell companies what to do.

Elana Anderson:

You can give examples.

Elana Anderson:

You can make suggestions.

Elana Anderson:

You can make connections.

Elana Anderson:

Uh, you're advising.

Elana Anderson:

I'm fortunate, you know, we worked at Forrester together as, as an analyst.

Elana Anderson:

You know, I did a lot of advisory work, you know, for lots of companies,

Elana Anderson:

you know, so I, I have a lot of that background, you know, in my history.

Elana Anderson:

Um, so I'm fortunate, you know, it's very relevant to, to Board work.

Elana Anderson:

I also think that it's important to, um, to target companies.

Elana Anderson:

You don't wanna just try to be a Board member anywhere.

Elana Anderson:

Um, you wanna try to target companies that are really relevant, you

Elana Anderson:

know, for you, for your background.

Elana Anderson:

So you know, for example, you know, if you have deep expertise in product-led

Elana Anderson:

growth, then go and find a company that is maybe focused on an enterprise

Elana Anderson:

sales motion, but they're trying to shift to product-led growth because

Elana Anderson:

they really need your expertise, right?

Elana Anderson:

They're not a product-led growth company today.

Elana Anderson:

They're trying to make this shift.

Elana Anderson:

So that expertise, you know, would be tremendously helpful to them.

Elana Anderson:

That sort of thing may, you know, maybe it's a, you know, maybe it's an industry

Elana Anderson:

expertise, you know, that sort of thing.

Elana Anderson:

Maybe you're a known personality in their industry, you know, so you have

Elana Anderson:

to figure out what your, you know, what your hook is, so to speak, if,

Elana Anderson:

uh, you know, if you're, you know, gonna try to be an independent Board

Elana Anderson:

member at a particular company.

Erica Seidel:

Thank you so much for joining the show, Elana, this has

Erica Seidel:

been fabulous speaking with you.

Elana Anderson:


Elana Anderson:

Yeah, really fun.

Elana Anderson:

Thanks for, thanks for inviting me.

Erica Seidel:

Now that you have heard from Elana, think about how you can

Erica Seidel:

put your Board members to work as adjunct members of the marketing team.

Erica Seidel:

Next time on The Get you'll hear from Sandra Lopez.

Erica Seidel:

You'll hear about how to put your best foot forward when you interview with a

Erica Seidel:

Board, about managing expectations with the Board on how long things take in

Erica Seidel:

marketing, and about nonprofit Boards as a segue to for-profit Board work.

Erica Seidel:

Don't miss it.

Erica Seidel:

Thanks for listening to The Get.

Erica Seidel:

I'm your host, Erica Seidel.

Erica Seidel:

The Get is here to drive smart decisions around recruiting and

Erica Seidel:

leadership in B2B SaaS marketing.

Erica Seidel:

We explore the trends, tribulations, and triumphs of today's top

Erica Seidel:

marketing leaders in B2B SaaS.

Erica Seidel:

If you liked this episode, please share it.

Erica Seidel:

For more about The Get, visit thegetpodcast.com.

Erica Seidel:

To learn more about my executive search practice, which focuses on recruiting the

Erica Seidel:

make-money marketing leaders rather than the make-it-pretty ones, follow me on

Erica Seidel:

LinkedIn or visit theconnectivegood.com.

Erica Seidel:

The Get is produced by Evo Terra of Simpler Media Productions.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Get: Finding And Keeping The Best Marketing Leaders in B2B SaaS
The Get: Finding And Keeping The Best Marketing Leaders in B2B SaaS
Your inspiration from the best marketing leaders in B2B SaaS today... from hiring, getting hired, leading, organizing, and more!

About your host

Profile picture for Erica Seidel

Erica Seidel

Erica Seidel recruits the marketing leaders of the 'make money' variety – not the 'make it pretty' variety. As the Founder of The Connective Good, a boutique executive search firm, she is retained to recruit CMOs and VPs in marketing, growth, product marketing, demand generation, marketing operations, and corporate marketing. She also hosts The Get podcast. Previously, she led Forrester Research's global peer-to-peer executive education businesses for CMOs and digital marketing executives of Fortune 500 companies. Erica has an MBA in Marketing from Wharton, and a BA in International Relations from Brown. One of her favorite jobs ever was serving as the Brown Bear mascot.

You can find her on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericaseidel/, or on her website/blog at www.theconnectivegood.com.